Acceptance Analysis:
determining if we want to accept SDE, Inc. as a client we will look at many
factors before making a decision. Under Quality Control Section 20: Acceptance
and Continuance of Clients and Engagements we
understand policies
and procedures should be established for deciding whether to accept or decline
a specific engagement for SDE. Such policies and procedures should provide us with
reasonable assurance that the likelihood of association with SDE whose
management lacks integrity is minimized. Establishing such policies and
procedures does not imply that we vouch for the integrity or reliability of
SDE, nor does it imply that we have a duty to any person or entity but ourselves
with respect to the acceptance, rejection, or retention of SDE. However, it
suggests that our firm be selective in determining our relationship to SDE and
the professional services we will provide. Policies and
procedures should provide reasonable assurance that our firm: undertakes only
those engagements that we can reasonably expect to be completed with
professional competence; and appropriately considers the risks associated with
providing professional services in the particular circumstances. To
minimize the risk of misunderstandings regarding the nature, scope, and
limitations of the services to be performed, policies and procedures should
provide for obtaining an understanding with SDE regarding those services.
Important Risks:
- Staffing is a risk that we need to consider when
deciding to accept SDE as a client or not. The more esoteric and the
more difficult the issues are, the more likely we are to send out robust, experienced staff
even for field work that we
might not otherwise do.
Or it might inform us that we need to obtain more industry specific expertise either
within our firm or through
some sort of joint venture arrangement.
- We will also consider SDE’s business
risk, with the risk of SDE not being profitable and not continuing to survive.
There could be going-concern issues, inflated profit goals, or operations in
volatile industries that can impact an SDE's risk. In this case financial
trends are the most important part of SDE's business risk. We cannot control
the amount of SDE's business risk but we can assess it and decide whether or
not to accept the risk.
- Audit risk is another factor. There are
certain factors that will impact the level of audit risk. Some of those factors
include high volume of significant year-end transactions, financial reports not
prepared in a timely manner, and material weaknesses in internal controls.
- Another factor is the auditor’s business
risk, which is our risk. We as auditors also face risk from our existence as a
company. By providing services to clients, we are open to the risk of our
business. During the acceptance of a future client, we can look for factors
that may impact the risk of being associated with the SDE. Some of the
high-risk factors include frequent changes in auditors, high number of
lawsuits, and an initial public offering. We have the ability to control our
business risk by carefully analyzing SDE.
Engagement Letter:
Tomb Raiders
Certified Public
February 9, 2012
M. Moore
of our Client Acceptance Review Committee
University Ave.
CA 92521
Dear Mr. Moore:
Our team, Tomb Raiders Auditors has evaluated Super Duper Electronics,
Inc. Through our understanding of the company we noticed that there were a few
things that caught our attention that would make SDE a going concern.
There were some red flags in the dramatic increase in accounts receivable
and inventory. Some things that caught our attention as going concern include
total liabilities with a large increase and a large increase in short term debt
as well. There was also a negative cash flow which we believe can be a going
concern problem as well. This negative cash flow is an indicator that SDE will
have no cash to expand during the year.
Through analysis of the financial statements, we believe SDE to be a
going concern. Although SDE’s industry environment is stable and has some
indications for growth, SDE as a company itself has ever increasing negative
cash flow, debt, and subpar operations performance. With careful analysis, we
have decided that we will not be considering them as a future client for our
Raiders Auditors